In the event that you have received overpayment, please return the funds to Cigna HealthcareSM at: Cigna Healthcare P O Box 188012 Mail the patient a check for the full amount right away.Be sure to include a written explanation of why you are returning funds. We have identified the following overpayment and are in good faith voluntarily refunding all monies collected in error. You can also reach out to our Phoenix team through the Contact Us form and select the option "Phoenix – Overpayments. To be considered for a waiver of your overpayment, please complete this form. Please download the form, complete each field and print. Include the form with your refund so we can properly apply the refund and record the receipt. DES will send you a form letter called a Determination of Overpayment. This letter specifies the weeks and amount that DES alleges you were overpaid.