How long will it take to get a decision? Most customers are receiving responses less than two weeks after completing and submitting the DocuSign.The salary overpayment resulted because . Is there some waiver form I fill out? Do I just type out my own letter to appeal the overpayment with the reasons they mentioned? This document provides an overview of overpayments, how they are classified, why that classification matters, and offers tips for claimants with overpayments. This Unemployment Insurance. If you made a payment in the past 90 days and believe you have not received credit for it, call Benefit Payment Control at 717-787-4621 for assistance. If you believe you received the notice in error or no overpayment occurred, you can appeal a notice as long as you appeal in a timely manner. A waiver means you are no longer liable to pay back the amount that was waived from your overpayment.