Fill out the request for a refund letter addressed to the Orange County Superior Court on your company's letterhead. Kindly provide your consent below for us to mail your refund check and return this completed letter in the enclosed envelope.A claim for refund is a request for reimbursement of amounts previously paid. Generally, if you have paid your balance in full you will file a formal claim. The Business Office representative has 15 business days (from the receipt date) to complete the refund process for processing for payment. We have identified the following overpayment and are in good faith voluntarily refunding all monies collected in error. Included in this packet is a sample letter of the overpayment and the repayment options. Please review the information provided and select a repayment plan. In this article, we'll show you how to write a refund request letter template that not only grabs attention but also persuades companies to act in your favor. The letter must be on company letterhead, include an authorized signature, title, and telephone number.