You must complete and return the Application for Overpayment Waiver (DE 1446UI) to be considered for a waiver. Contact the Benefit Overpayment Collection Section at 1-800-676-5737 during normal business hours of 8 a.m.California Labor Code 221 is a short part of California's labor code that simply states employers may not take wages they have paid their employees back. Each year of employment with the County of Riverside up to a maximum severance pay equal to six (6) months' salary. This policy establishes the circumstances and approval process when a campus partner would like to cancel or forgive an overpayment. Included in this packet is a sample letter of the overpayment and the repayment options. Please review the information provided and select a repayment plan. Note: An employee must agree in writing to repay the overpayment before the overpayment can be collected. Employees laid off out of seniority shall be given written notice of this action. D. After consultation with the Human Resources Director or a designee, the.