This brief but important letter notifies a customer that he or she has overpaid you. It can serve as a very good customer relations letter.Check with your credit card company. You may have the right to withhold payment if the product or service is unsatisfactory. For multiple CWES overpayments, follow the order of priority per CalWORKs Handbook Section 51.6.7. We inform people about the fact and amount of the overpayment, their right to appeal, and the options to repay or, in some cases, receive waivers for the debt. You have to tell your credit or debit card company about any error you're disputing within 60 days of when the first statement with the charge was sent to you. There are no penalties if you've accidentally paid more than you owe, and there are laws in place that require issuers to refund your overpayment. If the overpayment is a result of a out-of-home placement in a facility: Complete the SCD 13 and document in a CalSAWS journal entry. Help protect yourself and your loved ones from fraud.