We inform people about the fact and amount of the overpayment, their right to appeal, and the options to repay or, in some cases, receive waivers for the debt. This memo communicates the requirements and procedures for recovering overpayments.Salt Lake City, UT 84145-0288 ; Contact Unemployment Insurance Overpayment Collections: Phone: 1-801-526-9235 Financial Aid will be used first TO PAY TUITION and HOUSING over personal payments. If the Social Security Administration sent you a notice about an overpayment you owe, you can make a secure payment here. Please download the form, complete each field and print. Include the form with your refund so we can properly apply the refund and record the receipt. A Writ of Garnishment lets a creditor garnish all the money in a bank account that is available to pay the judgment. Provider identifies a potential overpayment.