In this article, we'll show you how to write a refund request letter template that not only grabs attention but also persuades companies to act in your favor. EXCEPTIONS • Duplicate payment – both payment receipts must be submitted.Overpayment – Payment receipt (s) associated with the overpayment in BIS or DOB NOW. Before you create a check or credit card refund, add a refund task in your pricebook using these parameters: Name: Refund task item. Complete this form in its entirety to request a refund of a payment made to OATH. The form must be signed. •. Read through this page to discover everything you need to know, from how to make payments to when and how you'll receive a refund to avoiding certain fees. Requests will be valid for the specified academic year only. When Filing the PA tax return: •. Fill in the extension request oval at the top of the PA40. •.