The simplest step is to simply repay the money to the company. A Director's Loan Account, or DLA, is an account that reports all transactions between the director and the company.A directors loan account write off is a legal process through which a business formally acknowledges that a loan owed to (or from) a director cannot be repaid. The amount of loan written off will have to be included in the director's self-assessment tax return on a specific box on the 'additional information' pages. Writing Off Loans:. If a loan cannot be repaid and is written off, it is treated as untaxed income for the director. The Mitchell-Lama program provides affordable rental and cooperative housing to moderate- and middle-income families. You can write off an overdrawn director's loan account. Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez was sworn-in as the youngest woman and youngest Latina ever to serve in Congress.