Putting some money into your limited company and wondering how to open your director's loan account? How do director's loans work?A complete guide to understanding and managing director's loans for business success. Find out more in our free in-depth guide. The Small Business Loan Guarantee program is available to small businesses throughout the state of California and serves hundreds of small businesses each year. The enactment of Assembly Bill 5 (AB 5) in California on September 18, 2019 may have rendered loan-out companies "useless." Find forms, samples and fees for most business entity filings here. There are over half a million-business registered in Los Angeles. Follow these quick and easy steps to meet the requirements for starting a business in LA. A Note on Timely Filing: Business Taxes are due January 1st of each year and are delinquent if not paid on or before the last day of February of each year.