A Director's Loan Account, or DLA, is an account that reports all transactions between the director and the company. The amount of loan written off will have to be included in the director's self-assessment tax return on a specific box on the 'additional information' pages.Learn how to navigate the complicated rules for writing off the expenses of starting your own business. It could save you a lot of money. The write-off will be recorded as an expense in the company's accounts, but won't be allowable against profits for corporation tax purposes. A directors loan account write off is a legal process through which a business formally acknowledges that a loan owed to (or from) a director cannot be repaid. USDA provides technical assistance and financial backing for rural businesses and cooperatives to create quality jobs in rural areas. The IRS also requires that you attach a baddebt statement to your tax return, explaining the details of the loan you made. Writing Off Loans:. If a loan cannot be repaid and is written off, it is treated as untaxed income for the director.