Repay your director's loan within nine months and one day of the company yearend. Aim to borrow less than £10,000.The amount of loan written off will have to be included in the director's self-assessment tax return on a specific box on the 'additional information' pages. A directors loan account write off is a legal process through which a business formally acknowledges that a loan owed to (or from) a director cannot be repaid. State-issued identification, driver's license or passport for person(s) appearing at ABC to sign application. The write-off will be recorded as an expense in the company's accounts, but won't be allowable against profits for corporation tax purposes. California Property Tax provides an overview of property tax assessment in California. The Board of Directors and the Treasurer are prohibited from investing Agency funds, or funds in the Agency's custody, in negotiable. It conducts food drives, lobbies for programs to help the poor, and grows fruits and vegetables at the Food Forest, part of the Sustainable Community Gardens.