The amount of loan written off will have to be included in the director's self-assessment tax return on a specific box on the 'additional information' pages. To avoid paying tax, the directors loan must be repaid within nine months and one day after the end of the accounting period.Any amount written off is chargeable as a payment of emoluments. You or your company may have to pay tax if you take a director's loan. Your personal and company tax responsibilities depend on how the loan is settled. For this purpose, the term 'loan' also includes amounts overdrawn on a director's loan account. Learn about directors loan accounts, including tax implications and legal risks. Get expert guidance on managing your DLA effectively. A separate entry must be made for each loan or part loan that has been released or written off. Example. The reason you should sort out an overdrawn director's loan account without delay is because it is not going away and there can be significant tax implications.