Self-Directed Economics and Personal Finance requires students to complete work without direct teacher support. This course is asynchronous.Learn about managing your money, saving, and investing with these free government resources. The steps include complying with the bank's KYC rules, filling out application forms, submitting photographs, and making an initial deposit to open the account. Complete graded weekly, on-line assignments which, along with reading, will take 4-6 hours per week. Parents or legal guardians will need to provide the following documents: Proof of Residency in Fairfax County. SUMMARY: The City's Fiscal Year 2021 Adopted Budget and approved five year Capital Improvement. If you have signed up for all necessary services, you may use the Mobile Banking Service in a limited capacity for the services set forth in Section 1.33. Circuit Court Help Desk at 703-246-. 2366. Attorney List must fill out an application available in the Court Services Office in Room 203 in the Fairfax County Courthouse.