The DOF is required to exercise "due diligence" in attempting to locate the rightful owner of property. Compliance-related due diligence: Performing due diligence to prevent compliance issues in mergers, acquisitions, and partnerships.Prior to any postdocketing collection of a Judgment, the Judgment must be duly docketed in the Fairfax Circuit Court Land Records Section. Due diligence money is a fee that buyers proffer at the time they make an offer on a home. In essence, it is the buyer's good faith payment to the seller. All payments must be made in the form of a certified funds, cashier's check, money order or wire transfer. Wire transfers are preferred. We offer comprehensive feasibility and due diligence services such as environmental compliance, dry utility coordination, and permit expediting. The standard NC contract also has a separate amount for earnest money which is not forfeited until due diligence closes. In this livestream, we will cover two topics related to the real estate industry.