Starting a cyber cafe requires a mix of technical skills, business acumen, and customer service expertise. The following sections lay out the details of our financial plan for the next three years.So some buddies of mine and myself are looking to start a small PC gaming cafe in NYC; we already have the space (about 1500 sq ft). Please fill out a Form SS-4 and fax or mail it to the IRS. " Caution: Do not disclose any information to the caller, including which questions they failed. Access study documents, get answers to your study questions, and connect with real tutors for PF 321 : at Franklin University. Food Market, Restaurants. In Town, Requires Transportation: Post Office, Bank, Internet Cafe, Public Library. Once a password reset link is sent via email it requires receiving a text message for verification. Employee's will have to fill out ADP information and complete I9 paperwork.