(2) The full name, and age, of the Assignee must be stated. (3) The actual consideration for the assignment received from the assignee should be written in.How to fill out the Assignment Questionnaire for LIC Policy Holders? The following provisions identify our policies governing insurance claims:. To make changes to your policy - such as payment information or beneficiary names - use one of our customer service forms or call us at (800) 438-7180. An assignment is irrevocable, and cannot be changed later. DO NOT USE THIS FORM if you only wish to designate a beneficiary to receive your life insurance. If the insurance reduces, as may be provided in the Policy, an individual Life Insurance Policy can be issued. The same rules as in. The FDIC may be able to assist you in obtaining a lien release if the request is for a customer of a failed bank that was placed into FDIC receivership.