The applicant organization's administrative staff (finance manager, accountant, or executive director must complete the due diligence form. Unfortunately due dilligence is forfeited if the deal doesn't go through.If you do not have a SWIFT Vendor ID number, please complete and submit a W-9 form and an EFT form. What was your organization's total revenue (income, including grant funds) in the most recent twelve-month accounting period? To determine the amount due and to find the office nearest to you, visit Gov or call 651-297-2126. To e-file, select the Location "Hennepin Examiner of Titles". Planning on buying or selling your home? Take a look at what due diligence in real estate is and how it can affect the overall home buying process. What was your non-profit's total revenue (income, including grant funds) in the most recent twelve-month accounting period?