Functions act as placeholders for the data they output. Basically, you can assign the output of a function to a variable, just like any normal data.We can take the return value of a function and assign it to a variable. Assume we have pre-defined a function sum which adds two numbers together. FreeCodeCamp offers a curriculum and in this video we cover their lesson called Assignment with a Returned Value. The core concept of this lesson is to learn how to call a function and assign the return value to a variable. When we have variables and we're assigning it to a value what's the saying is that whenever we have a whatever is on the right of the equal sign. The seller must sign and print his or her name and the buyer's name and address on the back of the "Certificate of Title" under the "Assignment of. We need leaders at all levels, educated in the art of air war, now more than ever. Free Code Camp Material - To help you learn and walk-through step-by-step.