Easily and securely pay your tax online with your credit card, an electronic check (ACH debit), or other electronic options. You can also pay online and avoid the hassles of mailing in a check.If you're looking for tax help, look no further than Liberty Tax. We're fast, accurate and convenient with offices close to where you live. Prepare and file your federal income tax return online for free. File at an IRS partner site with the IRS Free File Program or use Free File Fillable Forms. Do you owe the IRS a tax payment this year? Liberty Tax - Business Tax Preparation, Personal Tax Preparation, Tax Debt Resolution, Tax Preparation - 747 E 3300 S, Salt Lake City, UT 84106. Salt Lake County accepts three forms of payment for paying online: e-Check - Electronic check drawn against a checking account. We offer several options when it comes to resolving unpaid taxes.