To obtain the status of your submitted Request for Unclaimed Monies, please contact the Department of Finance at 619-236-6310. See if San Diego County has unclaimed money for you.Easy steps to check and claim your funds. The CIV180 form can also be obtained at any one of the four Court locations. Click the refund type you'd like to claim and follow the instructions to fill out a claim form and return it to the Treasurer-Tax Collector's Office. This program will help you write a letter that formally requests the money you are owed. This is called a Demand Letter. To submit a claim, print and complete the Unclaimed Monies Form and mail it to:. The deadline to file a claim if they are owed County Unclaimed Monies is this Friday, October 4, 2024. Always use the bottom payment stub portion of your monthly statement and send it along with your payment in the return envelope provided.