Access study documents, get answers to your study questions, and connect with real tutors for FIN 200 : at Suffolk University. For most people, money and banking are mysterious and complex.However, the basics are not really that complex and are important to understand. University: Suffolk County Community College ; Macroeconomics Homework Assignments 3 ; 14. Suffolk Banking System is the one instance of a private, for-profit clearinghouse in the United States. It operated from 1827 to 1858. The Suffolk Bank of Boston established a regional clearinghouse system known as the Suffolk system. Access study documents, get answers to your study questions, and connect with real tutors for FIN 800 : 800 at Suffolk University. ASSIGNMENTS: There will be three (3) short papers due throughout the course of the semester and then a final research paper. The court has placed the most commonly used forms on line as a resource.