Contact our Chicago loan enforcement lawyers if you need help collecting money owed through a secured or unsecured loan in Illinois. There are title pawn rescue companies which will pay off the title pawn company and let you pay that debt off on much better terms.Be careful anytime you are taking out a loan. These resources explain the rules and give some tips for protecting yourself. Chicago Title Insurance Company has grown in stature with a solid reputation for integrity and standing the test of time. When you want to get out of a title loan, you can negotiate with your current lender or take out a new, more affordable loan. If you have borrowed money from a title loan store, talk to a consumer advocate attorney to see if they can get you off the hook. Find out if you qualify for same-day pre-approval for a car title loan. Call Max Cash® Title Loans at (833) 207-9052 or fill out our online form! Call us now at 18887981970 to get Illinois Title Loans straight from the best title loan lender, Champion Cash Title Loans.