Title Insurance real estate forms archive containing over 300 forms in MS Word and Adobe acrobat format. This article and video will show Notaries to fill out each part of a notarial certificate, and common mistakes to avoid.Below are forms in PDF format regarding land trusts that do not necessarily require the assistance of an attorney. These forms are now interactive. I certify that I make this request on my own behalf as the subject attorney or that the subject attorney has authorized me to make this request. When a Power of Attorney form is necessary for a. Certificate of Title transaction, it must always be notarized. Visit a motor vehicle agency to transfer the title, complete the Vehicle Registration Application (Form BA-49) if applicable, and receive the license plates. Some states may have special requirements when notarizing a document granting power of attorney. (1) copy of the letter or notice of certification from the State Board of Law Examiners (further explained below);.