Esquire, for short, Esq is a polite title written after a man's name, especially on an official letter addressed to him. Skip the courtesy title and put "Esquire" after the name, using its abbreviated form, "Esq." ("Robert Jones, Esq." or "Cynthia Adams, Esq. Use "the Undersigned," "Judge of District Court," or "Judge John Doe" instead. In formal correspondence and in court opinions, attorneys are given the title esq. , short for esquire. One of us believes that you must pass the state bar to use the honorific and it is illegal to use it if you're not a licensed attorney. Is, in the US, generally considered to be a title an attorney can use if he or she so pleases. A lawyer is a person who is qualified to offer advice about the law, draft legal documents, or represent individuals in legal matters. The PDF version of these forms are FILLABLE.