Our Office is open Monday through Friday, from am to pm, excluding holidays. STEP 1: USING BLACK INK ONLY, Fill out the "Civil Cover Sheet." â–« Write in "Maricopa" as the county. You must apply for a new certificate of title within _____ days of the sale or transfer of a vehicle. 20. An acknowledgment is one of the most common types of notarial acts, but it often confuses Notaries. Here are 5 steps to performing an acknowledgment. In order to complete your application certification, you must attach copies of all of the following documents as they apply to you and your firm. FAQ Forms List, Serving Hours, Liquor and Age, Identification, Qualification and Licensing, Operational Matters For primary elections and PPEs, the Board of Supervisors must canvass the results within 10 business days after the election. A mylar and electronic version of the Approved Plans shall be submitted to the Town within sixty (60) days after the Approval Date.