Sample ballots have important information for voters, including contests that may be on your ballot when you go to vote, depending on your voting precinct. To enable the quantity in balloons you can edit the Table Properties and switch the Type to Quantity Split Circle in the BOM Balloons tab.For more information about how, where, and when to vote, click through the Voter's Guide below to find a variety of helpful voting resources and information. Here you will find a list of all permit types and links to instructions, forms and requirements. This Catalog provides information about Miami Dade. College's academic programs and student support ser- vices. Adding Multiple Leaders to a Balloon. You can add multiple leaders from standard balloons. Split allows you to split the quantity of an item between multiple balloons. The Officers that will be elected from among the DEC membership are Chair, First Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Program Vice Chair, and Outreach Vice Chair.