A building plan Vastu takes into account the layout, design, and orientation of your home, starting from the foundation. The Fast Track Program provides priority plan review for non-complex commercial and residential projects on a first-come, first-serve basis.You must apply for your permit using PLUS. Plans must clearly illustrate the nature of all of the work to be performed. Building permits must be obtained for all new construction, enlargement, alteration, removal, or destruction of a building or structure in the city. Building permits are issued Monday – Thursday 9-11 a.m. All residential and commercial construction permits must be submitted through the permit portal. In their new PLUS system, you can create an application for BUILDING, PLANNING, SITE, and ZONING. Featuring wood shingle siding and a wraparound porch, Fairfax Knoll is timeless. It offers a floor plan that takes advantage of marvelous exterior views.