You need a Rental License to rent out dwelling, rooming, or sleeping units to tenants. To apply, fill out an Accelerated Plan Review request form and submit with your permit application.I've been reading about the required rental license, getting an activity license number, lead inspections, and the school income tax. This code serves as the basis for all zoning laws in Philadelphia. It provides guidelines for residential, commercial, and industrial zones. I am planning to rent out a spare room or two in my house and wanted to see if there were any specific clauses that I might need to include in a lease. Philadelphia requires landlords to meet standards cited under the city's extensive property maintenance, fire, administrative, and zoning codes. The Guide explains what you should know when applying to rent, living in a rented property, and dealing with the end of a lease. Use WeWork to find office space in Philadelphia. Browse furnished office space with private amenities and conference rooms perfect for large teams.