You can also pick up Requests for Proposals at our offices, located at 451 South State, Room 404, Salt Lake City, UT 84111. Utah Public Procurement Place.If you need sleeping rooms fill out the RFP form below so our team can start working on your event options in Salt Lake. The purpose of this policy is to provide specific guidelines for the use of all RFPs in the procurement of supplies or services for county agencies. A City conflict ofinterest form must be filled out and returned with the proposal( does not count toward the ten page total. 10. Submit Your Request for Proposal. We're excited to help you plan your sports event in Salt Lake, and we're happy to respond to your RFP. Westminster University is a private, non-profit, accredited, and comprehensive liberal arts university in Salt Lake City, Utah. The RFP process can be complicated to manage. Learn how to speed up your process with these steps and tips from proposal professionals.