How do I bid on a City of Dallas contract? For information on the bidding process, please contact the City of Dallas Procurement Services at: (214) 670-3326.City of Dallas, TX , TX is looking to buy goods and services. Discover all bid opportunities, RFPs, and government contracts with City of Dallas, TX. If you are looking to work with DHA and are responding to an Invitation to Bid, Request for Proposal, or Request for Qualifications, you're in the right place. For additional information, you may contact the Dallas College Procurement Department at 972-860-7771. Dallas County implemented a new public solicitation platform to post all solicitations for goods, services, and construction through BidSync. 1. Electronic Submission. APMP's mission is to be the trusted leader that serves an international community of bid and proposal development professionals. The DesignBuilder will be selected in a twostep process: Step 1 Request for Qualifications (RFQ) and Step 2 Request for Proposals (RFP).