Complete and include in Chapter Three, Proposal Submission Form G-5 documenting the applicant's success rate in serving Medicaid clients in the current program. In accordance with the RFP, proposers will be required to submit separate technical (non price) proposals and price proposals.How to fill out the Proposal Form for Package Products and Health Insurance? Please note you have reached the Township of Franklin in Somerset County, NJ. This application can be used to apply for Medicaid, the. Family Planning Benefit Program, or for assistance paying your health insurance premiums. Section G: Write the complete name of your current health plan or the plan you are selecting (see page 3 of this form for a list of health plans). 4. 5. Describe your proposed work schedule and plan for completing the PPE (minimum of 80 hours):. The Difference Card allows for employers to offer high-quality health insurance plans, while reducing overall spend. Visit here to request a proposal!