This site provides vendors with statewide information and links referenced throughout the RFP document. Agencies may request additional information.The City is looking for a comprehensive and best practice solution to implement a software solution to automate the City of Durham employee. In this article, we delve into the essentials of the RFP process and provide guidance on structuring an impactful RFP for software development. Find tips for writing and issuing an IT RFP; including if you should issue, how to find the right RFP template, and what to include. A request for proposal (RFP) is a business document that announces a project, describes it, and solicits bids from qualified contractors to complete it. Sealed proposals must be clearly marked "21620RFP01 Automated Demand Response and. Paratransit Scheduling and Routing Software System. Statement of Purpose. Faxed or emailed copies will not be accepted.