The following sections provide details on how to get more information about this RFP and how to respond to it. As a new customer service to constituents, OCJS has created the following Sample Grant.Proposal, complete with fictitious names and sources. Instantly draft and send a business proposal template to establish the terms and conditions between your business and clients. Once students are pre-BSS and have been oriented to the program, they're encouraged to immediately create a draft in the proposal template. The bidder's original proposal must contain all the information and documents specified in Section 5.2, Format for Organization of the Proposal. Budget must be carefully researched and detailed. A good budget will be itemized and include all expenditures that will be needed to complete the project. What follows are two documents to help you write a Request for Proposal: 1) a description of the elements of an RFP and 2) a sample RFP.