The Bidder must complete a Minimal Qualifications Matrix (Form 6.1, Appendix C, Bid. All proposals shall be on the forms and in the format set forth the Request for Proposal package.In this article, we delve into the essentials of the RFP process and provide guidance on structuring an impactful RFP for software development. The Contractors staff also will observe project meetings and activities to understand the processes, procedures, and tools used in the MMIS. Statement of Purpose. This IT consulting RFP template will guide you through the entire process of selecting the best partner and solution for your needs. The questionnaire will be provided to the offeror via a link sent through the City's IT risk and compliance. RFP template for software projects. In addition to completing Form VII-7, the Bidder must also complete and submit Form 7.2,. Use these RFP response examples to land your next big deal in a simple and efficient way.