A vehicle bill of sale in Illinois is a convenient way to document ownership for used purchases. Get Illinois bill of sale forms and learn how to transfer ownership of vehicles, boats, firearms, and other personal property from one party to another.It is a record of contact information and details pertinent to the condition of the items sold. A bill of sale is only a record that a sales transaction occurred between two parties. A Bill of Sale acts as a sales contract documenting the sale of the vehicle. Legally transfer ownership of items in Illinois, whether through a sale or purchase, with a Bill of Sale (BOS). Form RUT-25-LSE generally is obtained when you license and title your vehicle at a local driver's license facility or currency exchange. The Electronic Registration and Title (ERT) System allows you to complete and print an Application for Vehicle Transaction(s) (VSD 190) online. First, the seller signs over an Illinois vehicle title to the buyer. Then the buyer finishes the title transfer at the IL SOS.