Your domicile is the place where you reside and the place where you intend to return after temporary absences. Domicile is intended to be permanent rather than temporary, whereas residence means living in a particular locality and requires mere physical presence.1. a dwelling place : place of residence : home 2. Law a : a person's fixed, permanent, and principal home for legal purposes An affidavit of domicile is a legal document used to establish a deceased person's primary residence at the time of their death. An Affidavit of Domicile is a legal document that serves as a sworn statement used to establish the residence or domicile of a deceased person. 'Domicile' generally refers to where you live – your residence that you intend to keep for the foreseeable future. The common question is, "What does domicile mean? Domicile refers to the place you call home permanently. Your domicile is important for legal purposes such as paying taxes, voting, and claiming benefits.