To complete the application and pre-approval, visit e-Services and select Apply for a License, Permit, or ID in the Non-Commercial Driver License section. There are a couple of things that might help.Turn in a change of address to the post office. How Do I Fill Out an Affidavit of Domicile? The address on your driver's license, voter registration, lease or mortgage, and bank accounts are typical evidence of your state of residency. Students who are not admitted as in-state will need to submit a residency application along with supporting documentation to the residency classifier. Don't have utility bills? To establish proof of residency and physical presence, applicants must provide two documents from List A (see below). Proper identification must be presented so we can verify your full name, date of birth, social security number, Illinois residency and written signature. It is not unusual for people to relocate from Illinois to states with warmer climates and lower income taxes, such as Florida, Tennessee, Texas, and others.