You are an Illinois resident if you were domiciled in Illinois for the entire year. Noun. any address at which you dwell more than temporarily.Full-year resident – You maintained a legal place of residence in Illinois from January 1st through December 31st. For an independent student to be considered a resident of Illinois they must have physically resided in Illinois for 12 continuous full months. 1. a : a usually official place of residence b : a state or period of residence a 20-year residency in the city also : residence sense 2c 2. " Residency from" means the place(s) you have lived from one date to another date. Residency for Tuition Purposes. Your residency status doesn't play a role in the admission process, but it will be used to determine your tuition costs. Resident is an individual who resides predominantly in one region but has interests in another region. Learn about non-resident taxes in the U.S..