"Domicile" is the place you intend to make your home permanently or for an indefinite period of time. A statement of domestication is used to change the home state of an entity.Use our Affidavit of Domicile form to verify the last home address of a deceased person to speed up the inheritance process. A person may be a resident of Minnesota for income tax purposes, and taxable as a resident, even though the person is not deemed a resident for other purposes. Must have owner's name and current address in Minnesota. A P.O. Box will not suffice as proof of current residency in Minnesota. Are you ingrained in the community? A person is "domiciled" in Minnesota if they are physically present in the state, and they intend for Minnesota to be their home. I declare that I am a legal resident of the State of Minnesota and that the above information is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.