Scan your renewal notice, enter the access code or use your license plate number and last 4 digits of the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). You must be a Nevada resident and provide a Nevada street address to obtain any driver's license, instruction permit or ID card.Q: How do I submit a public records request? A: Our office is committed to providing access to public records in accordance with NRS 239. To locate an US Postal Inspection Service office, enter a city and state abbreviation or ZIP Code (Example, Seattle WA or 98111). Welcome to the Forms and Packets section of the Website. The items below were created and have been approved for use in the Second Judicial District Court. As of January 1, 2023, retail locations selling tobacco or vape products in the state will be required to digitally scan the IDs of customers, to verify age. Complete the Nonimmigrant Visa Application Form DS-160 which is available on the U.S. Department of State website. Nevada County is having trouble with their mailin ballots due to a printing error.