You must be a Nevada resident and provide a Nevada street address to obtain any driver's license, instruction permit or ID card. A financially dependent individual whose spouse, family, or legal guardian has relocated to Nevada for the primary purpose of permanent full-time employment.Residency in Nevada is based on three areas: taxes, Department of Motor Vehicles, and supporting documentation, if you're applying for in-state tuition. Enter the month and year when you became a legal resident in the state you reported as your state of legal residence. SPECIAL NOTE: Residence in a neighboring state other than Nevada is a continuing qualification for enrollment in the WICHE Western Undergraduate. Who Qualifies As a Uniformed or Overseas Citizen? A Uniformed Service Member means someone whose last place of residence was in Nevada. Recording a Declaration of Homestead protects your principal residence up to the statutory maximum. " Residency from" means the place(s) you have lived from one date to another date.