The statutory agent must be one of the following: (1) A natural person residing in Ohio; or (2) a domestic or foreign business entity with an Ohio address. An individual is a resident of Ohio if they are domiciled in Ohio, subject to the tests contained in RC 5747.24.Through Ohio Business Central, you can file a number of forms online, obtain and request publications, search existing businesses and sign up for our. You are an Ohio resident for income tax purposes if you are domiciled in Ohio. Thus, under Ohio law, the terms "domiciled" and "resident" mean the same thing. The Ohio Residency for Tuition Purposes Questionnaire is provided to assist in determining if you MAY qualify for in-state tuition. The Ohio municipality where you live has the right to determine whether to grant a "credit" to its residents who pay income taxes to other municipalities. All Ohio corporations must have a designated address. Need help completing your forms?