Applicants must provide proof of: Full legal name; Date of birth; Legal presence in the US; Social Security number (SSN). See more information below.TWO documents, from different sources, proving Ohio Street Address that are listed on the Acceptable Document List are required for proof of Ohio residency. BMV wants 2 documents to prove his address. Bank statement, utilities, tax docs pay stubs but he wont have a job for a little bit so paystubs will be a problem. Proof of Ohio residency (utility bill or bank statement); Proof of legal presence (utility bill or bank statement). You must provide proof of: Full legal name. Within 30 days of establishing residency, you will need an Ohio driver license for yourself, and an Ohio title and license plates for your vehicle. Proof of your Ohio residency (think utility bills, pay stubs, and other forms of official correspondence sent to your Ohio address).