The result is a headquarters for the team and a domicile for Steven, who despite being partGem, needs to eat and sleep. Any person of eighteen years, who has continuously resided with a local union for the space of two years, there acquires his domicile.Individuals acquire a domicile of origin at birth and this is normally the domicile of the father. Apria is a leading US provider of home medical equipment delivery and clinical support, with services for COPD, sleep apnea, wound therapy, and more. LEGAL RELATIONSHIP (check all that apply): a. A domicile is a home acquired with the intent to remain indefinitely. Learn how your domicile impacts many legal issues, including the taxes you pay. Examples of Domicile in a sentence. 1. The police went to visit his domicile when he was reported missing.. 2. When he lost his rights of domicile in Slovenia, he settled in Germany, where he lived and worked for 12 years.