This webpage provides instruction on how to submit your application package for an ADU project and how to revise or resubmit your ADU plans. Upload the signed Residence Questionnaire and any supporting documents.What form do I fill out? Resident student who feels he or she has satisfied the residency requirements may complete the "Residence Questionnaire Form". Download an application below, call (408) 758-3800 to get an application mailed or pick it up in one of our lobbies. Any suggestions for getting an appt at the SF or San Jose consulate trying to get a temporary residency visa struggling! Org to view the latest News and Announcements from the San Jose Police Department. Explore California Miramar University in San Jose, offering innovative STEM focused programs in business and technology in the heart of Silicon Valley. Instructions to the Applicant. The information you provide in this Personal History Statement will be used in the background investigation.