" Residency from" means the place(s) you have lived from one date to another date. This post will tell you exactly what to expect when going through customs and immigration in San Jose Airport and Liberia International Airport.To be eligible for resident tuition, you must have established California residency approximately one year prior to the start of the admission term. Follow the steps below before your immigrant visa interview at the US Embassy in San Jose, Costa Rica. We are here to work with San José residents and businesses in maintaining safe, desirable conditions on private property in our community. Who qualifies to receive rental assistance? If you are a needy adult without dependent children, you may be eligible for GA. This is based on income, residency, property, and citizenship. A citizen of a foreign country who seeks to enter the United States generally must first obtain a U.S. visa, which is placed in the traveler's passport. For CalFresh and cash aid, homeless means you are: A. Staying in a supervised shelter, halfway house, or similar place. It really just means you are from the Greater Bay Area of San Francisco.