Residency is where one chooses to live. Domicile is more permanent and is essentially somebody's home base.Domicile is intended to be permanent rather than temporary, whereas residence means living in a particular locality and requires mere physical presence. California voters approved Proposition 19, The Home Protection for Seniors, Severely Disabled, Families, and Victims of Wildfire or Natural Disasters Act. Each applicant must demonstrate the intent to reside indefinitely within the State of California and in the County of Santa Clara. The zoning ordinance divides the unincorporated territory of the county into geographical districts designated as zoning districts. The Department of Social Services shall be responsible for administering a General Assistance program to relieve and support indigent residents of the County. Verify Zoning of the property using MapSantaClara. Find Zoning standards for your zoning district in the Zoning Code (PDF).