Domicile refers to the place you call home permanently. Your domicile is important for legal purposes such as paying taxes, voting, and claiming benefits.A homestead exemption is a legal provision that can help you pay less taxes on your home. Your domicile is the state of your permanent home, or the state you consider your home whenever you are elsewhere. Your domicile is an important place. GENERAL INFORMATION: Property owners applying for a residence homestead exemption file this form and supporting documentation with the appraisal district in. The crux of eligibility for homestead exemptions in Texas is that the property in question must be your principal residence. Domicile is intended to be permanent rather than temporary, whereas residence means living in a particular locality and requires mere physical presence. Household means an applicant and those individuals who reside in the applicant's housing unit and whose financial assets and obligations are held in common. The Travis Central Appraisal District grants homestead exemptions and assigns you the Owner ID and PIN you will need to apply on your Notice of Appraised Value.