Downloadable forms for eFiling, Divorces, and Suites Affecting the Parent-Child Relationship, Child Support, Hail Claims, Legal, LegalEase, and Passports. My cash bond receipt contains an error, what can I do?Parent Survey on the Acknowledgement of Paternity (AOP)​​ This form is to be completed after the AOP has been signed or a person has declined to sign the AOP. Once the Affidavit of Death is signed and notarized, you must file it with the county clerk in the county where the property is located. Affiant's Signature. An Acknowledgement of Paternity (AOP) allows parents who aren't married to establish legal paternity. Learn more about the AOP process and how to file. Acknowledgement: You do not need to fill out anything in this box. The notary will fill it out. 8.