After providing your preferred method of payment and payment information you will then be asked to choose "Submit" to complete your payment. Document Paper Size.The Cuyahoga County Clerk of Courts will not accept a filing attachment that is any larger than standard Letter size (8.5" x 11"). Cleveland Housing Court Forms. If you need to file some important forms, follow the instructions below. I will provide this signed "Acknowledgement Form" to the escrow agent for the property purchase transaction, and a copy to the Building and. Some municipal courts in Cuyahoga County mislead defendants about the availability of payment plans in their courtrooms or even deny that plans exist. Each team shall submit a total of three (3) copies of the SOQ's and proposal forms in a sealed envelope clearly marked on the outside "Statement of. The easy answer: Yes, you may notarize out-of-state documents. The Department of Community Development will contact you once your application is submitted and necessary documents have been received.